At the young age of 23, Luther Odom embarked on his journey in the storage business shortly after graduating high school. His early start in the industry, managing a facility with 500 tenants in Mobile, Alabama, was driven by a desire to learn through hands-on experience before venturing into ownership. After a year of managing the facility, Luther took the bold step of purchasing his first facility in Alabama. His entrepreneurial spirit has led him to his most recent achievement-closing on his 5th facility, expanding his portfolio into Arkansas. In addition to his ownership responsibilities, Luther also serves as the head acquisitions manager for Storage Nerds storage investment company.
Upon acquiring a facility, Luther adopts a hands-on approach to property management. He strives to build personal relationships with tenants and address their storage needs. His commitment to upgrading the properties and making necessary changes ensures the safety and security that every tenant deserves. These changes include adding security cameras, fencing, building repairs, driveway/parking lot repairs, painting, and more.
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